domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2016


Inception is a science fiction thriller written, produced and directed by Christopher Nolan. It is about Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio)  who is a profetional thief. He espionages people by entering in their subconscious minds, using two-level "drem within a dream" so that he can extract valuable information.

This practice has permited Dom get into the dangerous world of espionage but also it has converted him into a fugitive and he had to sacrifice everything he loved. But now, Dom has the option to have his old life back but for this he and his team of especialist have to make a very difficult job. It consists on reversing the operation, insted of stealing information of someones subconscious they have to introduce information and if they get it, it would be the perfect crime.

Resultado de imagen de inception


There are many reason why it is one of my favourite movies, the first one is because I think that dreams are a fascinating topic for a movie. In a dream you can creat whatever you want. Another reason is because this movie is really unpredictable, when you feel like you know what's coming next, everything changes and this makes the movie a little bit hard to follow, also because it's really fast, many thing are happenig at the same time and you have too many information to remember and to digest. I also like the characters of this movie, I think each of them are really interesting and the fact that you don't know many things about them makes them even more interesting and mysterious.

I recomend this movie to everyone who likes science fiction but it is a little bit hard to understand because it makes you think a lot. I had to watch it twice to really know what was happening during all the movie and I still have some doubts about some facts and obiously about the amazing open end. 


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