sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2016




One of his major strendths that we have seen in numerous conversations between reporters and Trump is that he is able to lead a direct question into the direction he wants to. Also he knows how to talk to the anger voters without being shy and not fearing of what he says. He says what voters want to listen to even if it has risks. Another of his strengths is that he has a good business expirence and he is able to self finance his campaign.


Repeatedly he has made some extremists statements about immigrants, women and Muslims, he has been seen as egocentric and publicity hound and also he would not be taken seriously by some. Another weakness is that people is affraid of what he would do if he was in the White House because he is so impredictable. A very important weakness of his candidacy is his weak knowledge of the political terms. In some of the debates against Clinton this was a problem because he is a smart and experienced woman.



One of the most important strengths of Hillary Clinton is that he is a political fighter, she doesn't give up easily and she is able to defend herself against political opponents. The fact that she would be the first female president could be positive for her because it makes her candidacy truly historic because the fact that people voted a women could be a step foward for a nation where women weren't allow to vote until 1920 and where sexism remains in. The most important strength is that she has political expirence, she has been a Secretary of the State, a U.S. Senator, First Lady of the United States and First Lady of Arkansas.


One of the bi problems of her candidacy is that people don't know if they can trust her because of the way she handle her email as a secretary of the state using a private server outside the official system. Also it seems like she has been hiding information instead of taking risks and being more open.

Resultado de imagen de hillary clinton donald trump


In my opinion Hillary Clinton would be a better president of the United States than Donald Trump. First of all because she has much more political epirence than him and she has been related with the White House. Also because she is a woman and this could be positive for a country to have a female president where gender inequality remains part of the culture of the country. And also because she hasn't been related with extremists statements as Donald Trump. 

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