One of the things I wanna do in a future is to drive the American's most iconic highway with my dad, the Route 66 with a Classic Ford Mustang. Once we were watching a youtuber called Luzu and he was traveling all across USA driving on the Route 66 and we loved it so we decided that when I get my car license, someday we will go.

The Route 66, also known as "The Main Street of America" first started being used for wagon trains to go to California, also there are still ruts form wagon trains on the side of some parts of the road.
Before there where roads there where railroads and many of them followed the old trails.
In 1908 the Ford Motor T came out and changed the way Americans lived. They now could travel faster and the idea of paved highways apeared.
Paving the roads started on a state level and then moved to a national leven and in 1921 the federal govermment made a federal highway system.
This was the reason Route 66 was born. It was the first highway that conected the rest of the USA. It starts in Chicago, goes through Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona, and finally it ends in Santa Monica, California. There are 2.400 miles.
Route 66 is no longer part of the USA highway system, so many parts of it have disapeared or are just dirt roads.
Here are some essential things you have to visit if you are driving the Route 66:
The Cadillac Ranch:

The Ed Galloway's Totem Pole Park:
The Wigwam's Motel:

The Santa Monica pier:
wow Anna you know what? This is one of my greatest dreams as well!