jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2016


ANDRAS FORGACS, Leather and meet without killing animals. 

The first video I have seen is a Andras Forgacs' talk about crating leather without killing animals.
Andras Forgacs and his father have started a company to 3D print human tissues and organs and after this they had this idea of also growing animal parts so that we don't have to sacrifice that amount of animals to obtain the products we need. He emphasizes in leather because in our society, it is wildly used, so if we can create new leather from the cells we don't have to sacrifice any animals.
In my opinion, this technique could be revolutionary because we can create any leather we want without the need of having to kill any poor animal. So I think that in a future this will be used.

DANIT PELEG, Forget shopping. Soon you'll download your new clothes. 

The second video I have seen is the Danit Peleg's talk about downloading your new clothes from home. She first had this idea when she wanted to wear something new for an event, but she hadn't anything to wear, so she designed clothes on her computer and then printed them with a 3D printer. After this, she decided to try and 3D print an entire fashion collection from her home. She experimented with many materials and many machines and her real challenge was to find the right filament for clothes. A filament that is strong and flexible.
In my opinion, this is a very difficult idea, because not everybody has a 3D printer in their home so years are going to pass until we no longer need to go and shop our clothes because we can 3D print them.

JESS ARINGTON, Wearing nothing new.

The third and last video I have seen is the Jess Arington's talk about second hand clothes. Though she has admitted that she is an outfit addicted, she has also said that she never wears nothing new. She likes second hand shopping because it reduces the impact her wardrobe causes in the environment and it is less expensive. Also, because while she goes shopping she gets to meet new great people and her money will help people that really need it. And finally, because she looks unique. She explained that she only took seven pairs of underwear for the week she was going to stay at TED and she expected to be able to but all the second hand clothes that she needed.
In my opinion second hand shopping is a great idea because usually people have many clothes in their wardrobe that they don't use anymore, but it stills new so if they sell it other can buy clothes that are less expensive. And during this talk, she showed us that we don't need a lot of money to look great, because if you really believe you look beautiful probably you will, because confidence is very important.

domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2016


270 TO WIN

Donald Trump's victory against Hillary Clinton left everyone surprised because anyone expected him to win. The question is how did he win?

The answer is that Clinton didn't get his base voters in the same numbers as Barack Obama did and also did had an economic plan for working-class whites. Other facts that contributed to her lost was the letter from FBI Director talking about the investigation of the private email server.


In my opinion, the main reason why Trump won is because people didn't trusted Hillary Clinton. After everything that happened with the email scandal, of Hillary using a private server outside the official system for using her email. Trump new how to use this in his favor and people started to follow him.



Inception is a science fiction thriller written, produced and directed by Christopher Nolan. It is about Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio)  who is a profetional thief. He espionages people by entering in their subconscious minds, using two-level "drem within a dream" so that he can extract valuable information.

This practice has permited Dom get into the dangerous world of espionage but also it has converted him into a fugitive and he had to sacrifice everything he loved. But now, Dom has the option to have his old life back but for this he and his team of especialist have to make a very difficult job. It consists on reversing the operation, insted of stealing information of someones subconscious they have to introduce information and if they get it, it would be the perfect crime.

Resultado de imagen de inception


There are many reason why it is one of my favourite movies, the first one is because I think that dreams are a fascinating topic for a movie. In a dream you can creat whatever you want. Another reason is because this movie is really unpredictable, when you feel like you know what's coming next, everything changes and this makes the movie a little bit hard to follow, also because it's really fast, many thing are happenig at the same time and you have too many information to remember and to digest. I also like the characters of this movie, I think each of them are really interesting and the fact that you don't know many things about them makes them even more interesting and mysterious.

I recomend this movie to everyone who likes science fiction but it is a little bit hard to understand because it makes you think a lot. I had to watch it twice to really know what was happening during all the movie and I still have some doubts about some facts and obiously about the amazing open end. 



The best stage in life for me is young adulthood because you have the legal age and you are able to do things you couldn't when you were under eighteen. 

Resultado de imagen de young adulthood tumblr

At this stage of your life you can have your driving license and you can have your first car and go wherever you want to go whenever you want without having to ask someone to drive you. Another reason why I think this is the best stage of your life is because you finished the hard last years of high school and you are able to go to university and focus on studying something you really like and something you really enjoy doing and after this, if you are lucky, you can work on something you have studied for and something you enjoy like doing. Also at this stage of your life you can leave your parent's home and go to live near the university with your friends or with new people you meet there, because you have many new friends there, and you start living your life by yourself being independent and doing whatever you want and being responsible. 

Resultado de imagen de childhood tumblrBy saying this, I don't mean that other stages of your life are less important. For example, infancy and childhood are very beautiful periods of your life, but from infancy, we don't remember anything and from childhood the same, we just remember some things we have seen in photos. But anyway, those were times of your life where you just focused on living life happily and not worrying about anything. 

From adolescense, I think it's also a beautiful period of your life, but it's a bit hard because you have to focus on studying, but you also want to hang out with your friends, and your parents don't trust you because you are young yet, but it's beautiful because you don't have to worry too much about problems in life, you see your friends in high school every day, you probably will have your first love, and you will experience many new beautiful feelings. 

sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2016


To go home from class, a group of children in China fron Auter village in Sichuan province have to carry they backpacks or other items while they have a dangerous journey because they have to climb over a mountain cliff using wooden ladders and walk almost four kilometers long

Other people of the village and even dogs travel this terrifying way and they say it makes their legs shake and they never look down because it is really scary. They want to have a safer way to get to school but they believe that a better future lies in getting education for their children.

There are 17 vine ladders on the 800-metre-high way home, but the most dangerous part is a path on the cliff without a vine ladder.


In my opinion this shouldn't be happening in the modern world we live and this poor should have a better way to go to school without having to risk their lifes because it looks really dangerous, specially for the old and young people. China goverment has to give a solution to secure their lifes as soon as possible.





One of his major strendths that we have seen in numerous conversations between reporters and Trump is that he is able to lead a direct question into the direction he wants to. Also he knows how to talk to the anger voters without being shy and not fearing of what he says. He says what voters want to listen to even if it has risks. Another of his strengths is that he has a good business expirence and he is able to self finance his campaign.


Repeatedly he has made some extremists statements about immigrants, women and Muslims, he has been seen as egocentric and publicity hound and also he would not be taken seriously by some. Another weakness is that people is affraid of what he would do if he was in the White House because he is so impredictable. A very important weakness of his candidacy is his weak knowledge of the political terms. In some of the debates against Clinton this was a problem because he is a smart and experienced woman.



One of the most important strengths of Hillary Clinton is that he is a political fighter, she doesn't give up easily and she is able to defend herself against political opponents. The fact that she would be the first female president could be positive for her because it makes her candidacy truly historic because the fact that people voted a women could be a step foward for a nation where women weren't allow to vote until 1920 and where sexism remains in. The most important strength is that she has political expirence, she has been a Secretary of the State, a U.S. Senator, First Lady of the United States and First Lady of Arkansas.


One of the bi problems of her candidacy is that people don't know if they can trust her because of the way she handle her email as a secretary of the state using a private server outside the official system. Also it seems like she has been hiding information instead of taking risks and being more open.

Resultado de imagen de hillary clinton donald trump


In my opinion Hillary Clinton would be a better president of the United States than Donald Trump. First of all because she has much more political epirence than him and she has been related with the White House. Also because she is a woman and this could be positive for a country to have a female president where gender inequality remains part of the culture of the country. And also because she hasn't been related with extremists statements as Donald Trump. 


Look up here, I'm in heaven
I've got scars that can't be seen
I've got drama, can't be stolen
Everybody knows me now
Look up here, man, I'm in danger
I've got nothing left to lose
I'm so high it makes my brain whirl
Dropped my cell phone down below
Ain't that just like me?
By the time I got to New York
I was living like a king
There I'd used up all my money
I was looking for your ass
This way or no way
You know, I'll be free
Just like that bluebird
Now, ain't that just like me?
Oh, I'll be free
Just like that bluebird
Oh, I'll be free
Ain't that just like me?


In my opinion, this song could be considered as a rite of passage because when David Bowie wrote it he knew he was gonna die because of a cancer. In this song he talks like he is already dead. For exemple when he says "Look up here I'm in heaven" and when he says "I've got scars that can't be seen" he is refearing to his cancer. Also, he died 3 days after the music video was released so it can be considered as a goodbye to his fans, as a rite of passage to death. 

When we saw the video of elders reacting to David Bowie's video we saw that they all got sad when they saw it was David Bowie and some of them also cried because they knew he was saying goodbye and because it was sad to know that he died days after. 


In our culture death is a taboo because we are too affraid of it and we are scared of talking about it. The reason why we are affraid of death is because we don't know what happens when we die and we don't know where do we go and humans are so affraid of unknowledge. This is why religious people imagine a pleace where we go when we die, heaven or hell, so that we are not that affraid of death because we can imagine what happens after life. But we don't actually know if it's true or if it's not.


This is the presentation I made about the Aboriginal Walkabout, a rite of passage of the aboriginal boys of Australia.

miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2016


On October 13, 2016, Bob Dylan won the Nobel Prize for Literature. He is the first musician to win the award and this is why it caused a controversy and people is debating about whether song lyrics, however brilliant,  have the same artistic value as poetry or novels. Also he is the first American poet to win this prize. Just nine Amrican novelists and short-story writers and one dramatist have been awarded.

The Nobel citation says that they gave it to Dylan "for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition"

Some accuse the Swedish Academy of abandoning its high standards and succumbing to populism, even though all the prizes are very important. Some critics give another point of view at this award. It is obious that we are moving from the print culture to an audiovisual culture, but this doesn't mean that print is dying and that people don't still write novels and poems, it's just that print has lost dominance and audiovisual is becoming more and more popular. Also they say that lots of poets are writing poems to be performed and to be heard rather than to be read. So in giving the prize to Dylan, the Swedish Academy is moving with the times and changing as our society does.

Here you can listen to his song Every Grain of Sand (1981):

Every Grain of Sand - Bob Dylan from Temuco Blues on Vimeo.

Here you have the lyrics:

In the time of my confession, in the hour of my deepest need,
When the pool of tears beneath my feet flood every newborn seed,
There's a dyin' voice within me reaching out somewhere,
Toiling in the danger and in the morals of despair.
Don't have the inclination to look back on any mistake -
Like Cain I now behold this chain of events that I must break.
In the fury of the moment I can see the Master's hand
In every leaf that trembles, in every grain of sand.

Oh, the flowers of indulgence and the weeds of yesteryear,
Like criminals they have choked the breath of conscience and good cheer.
Ah, the sun beat down upon the steps of time to light the way,
To ease the pain of idleness and the memory of decay.
I gaze into the doorway of temptation's angry flame
And every time I pass that way I always hear my name.
Then onward in my journey I've come to understand
That every hair is numbered like every grain of sand.

I have gone from rags to riches in the sorrow of the night,
In the violence of a summer's dream, in the chill of a wintery light,
In the bitter dance of loneliness fading into space,
In the broken mirror of innocence on each forgotten face.
I hear the agéd footsteps like the motion of the sea,
Sometimes I turn - there's someone there - other times it's only me.
I am hanging in the balance of the reality of man,
Like every sparrow falling, like every grain of sand.


In my opinion, Bob Dylan does deserve the Nobel prize because he is a great songwriter and also a great poet. I think that beacause he sets his lyrics with music is not a reason for not giving him this prize. In my opinion Bob Dylan's poems could stand on its own without the rhythm of the songs, but also singing them attract more audience than just a written poem in our society. 



The song that I have chosen is Talkin' 'Bout A Revolution written by Tracy Chapman in 1988.

Tracy Chapman -Talkin' Bout A Revolution (1988)

Don't you know
They're talkin' 'bout a revolution
It sounds like a whisper
Don't you know
They're talkin' 'bout a revolution

It sounds like a whisper
While they're standing in the welfare lines
Crying at the doorsteps of those armies of salvation
Wasting time in the unemployment lines
Sitting around waiting for a promotion

Dont' you know 
They're talkin' 'bout a revolution
It sounds like a whisper
Poor people gonna rise up
And get their share
Poor people gonna rise up
And take what's theirs

Don't you know
You better run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run ,run
Oh I said you better
Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run

'Cause finally the tables are starting to turn
Talkin' 'bout a revolution
Yes, finally the tables are starting to turn
Talkin' 'bout a revolution, oh no
Talkin' 'bout a revolution, oh

While they're standing in the welfare lines
Crying at the doorsteps of those armies of salvation
Wasting time in the unemployment lines
Sitting around waiting for a promotion

On this song, Tracy Chapman criticize the economical system of the United States and a lot of other countries and encourages people to make a revolution against the corrupt governments. She says that people is already talking about the revolution while they are waiting for a job on the unemployment lines.
In her opinion people is wasting time on these unemployment lines and waiting for a promotion and she wants them to act and change this system because it is the only solution to end with this situation.
She also sends a message to the capitalist class telling them that they better run because poor people are gonna rise up and the tables are gonna turn.

In my opinion, this song is clearly a protest song and Tracy Chapman defends the revolution against the economical system because it is the way to change the bad situation the poor people is living with corruption and unemployment. 

domingo, 12 de junio de 2016


This is the last post I will write on this blog because I have already finished 4th ESO.

These four years have been amazing because I made new amazing friends and I learned a lot of things. Also we had so many new adventures, I will never forget all the laughs we had, all the students and teachers I met and also the Italy trip which was unforgettable.

I can also remember the first day I went to the high school. I was very nervous because I was expecting people to be unfriendly and classes being super difficul because it was what some people told me. But then I arrived and I met new frendly people and it wasn't that hard.

I am expecting to stay here next year in bachellor but I am a bit sad because it is never gonna be the same because some are leaving and some are arriving.

So I can say that even if there were bad and stressing moments, it has been an amazing expirence.

jueves, 2 de junio de 2016


To me, New Zeland is one of the most beautiful places in the world and one of my dreams is to visit it.

The things I love the most about it:

1.- The amazing landscapes.

Wherever you look, you see green and blue.

2.- The New Zeland national rugby team. 

I've always found them really curious and funny because of the tradition of the Haka, a traditional war dance to intimimdate the enemy and, aparently it works. 

3.- The 90 Mile Beach

The 90 Mile Beach is on the western coast of the north of North Island of New Zeland. Also the beach is a highway but you can go subathing, swimming, surfing... And also the beach is next to the Aupouri Forest so there's also a escape from the sun. But the most beautiful thing of this place is that when the sun sets you have the most amazing landscape you've ever seen. 

Ninety Mile Beach is part of the Te Araroa Trail, one of the world's longest walking routes.

4.- You're never far from the sea.

I couldn't live in a place far away from the sea, so New Zeland is perfect because the furthest away you can get is about 80 miles, but a lake is always near in case you are worried.

5.-  The "Taumata whakatangi hangakoauau o tamatea turi pukakapiki maunga horo nuku pokai whenua kitanatahu" hill.

It's on the east coast of New Zeland's North Island and it's not a particulary amazing hill but its name is. The translation to English is "the place where Tamatea, the man with the big knees, who slid, climbed and swallowed mountains, known as 'landeater', played his flute to his loved one." 

 - image 71 of 26

6.- The Aurora Borealis.

It is my favourite thing about this country but you have to struggle to get fa enough south.

The Auroras are electrically charged particles from solar winds that enter the Earth's atmosphere and react with the gases. The colours of the aurora depend to a number of facts: the type of gas molecule, the electrical state at the time of collision, and the type of solar wind particle that the gas collides with.

The problem is that the Southern Light are not very preditable and they occur with 30 minutes of notice. Also if it's a full moon or cloudy night you won't be able to see them.

They happen all year around but the best moments are in winter (March to September) and the best places of New Zeland are the Stewart Island, the Lake Tekapo and the Aoraki Mt Cook National Park, and The Catlines.


In 4th of ESO you have to do a research project in groups and then you have to present it so the teachers can give you a mark.

I have made it with Yasmina and Ioana and we did it about daltonism which is a inability to perceive color differences. We have chosen this theme because we are in biology class and lately we have been talking about it so we wanted to know more about it and we thought that it would we a good research to see the percentage of affected population in Castelló d'Empúries.

The process was actually fun because the practice consisted on going class by class and doing the Ishihara test to some of the students, so we met new people and we also found some daltonic ones.

Doing the writing was the hardest part because we also had to deal with exams and some other projects but luckly we were three so we divided the work and it was faster.

Also, two weeks ago, we presented what we have found to the class and I think was very good because we knew about what we were talking about and none of us was nervous.

This is how the Ishihara test works. If you have a normal vision you see the number like the first one but if you have a decrased ability to see color you will see the first numer like the second or the third one, depending of your grade of daltonism.

This is how a daltonic sees the color pencils depending on how is he/she affected.


1.- I have already been to England.

In 2014 I went to England and I stayed in Plymouth for two weeks. It was amazing because it was the first time that I travelled without my parents that far and insted I went there with some friends and others that I met there. Plymouth was a lovely and also the people of the house where I stayed.

2.- I have already gone to my favourite singer's concert.

Last year I went to Cody Simpson's concert with Anisa and it was amazing because he is not very famous in Spain so the place was very little and we were like 3 meters away from the stage. The best part was when he sang without the microphone and everyone in the place was silent.

3.- I have already jumped a cliff.

Last summer I went on vacations with my cousin to his oncle's house in Galicia. One day the Galician's cousin took us to a river and we swam there for a while. Also there was a big rock next to a profund zone so we jumped from there. At first it was scary but then we couldn't stop doing it because it was so fun.

4.- I've never flown in a hot air ballon.

One of the things I want to do in a future is to fly in a hot air ballon and watch the sunrise from the sky.

5.-I haven't studied in a Univeristy yet.

One of my goals in life is to finish high school and go to the University. Since I was young I 've always wanted to study clinical veterinary medicine but it's really difficult to have enough mark. The only thing I know is that I am gonna work as hard as I can to study one thing I really enjoy doing.

6.- I haven't been to USA yet.

One day I want to travel to USA because I think that it's a beautiful place. I want to drive the route 66 and also I want to visit so many other places like Washington, New York, Florida...



It is a romantic drama film about a man, Logan Thibault, who is a U.S.Marine serving in Iraq. One day he finds a picture of a woman just before a mortal attack destroys where he has been sitting.
After that, he returns to USA and he decides that he is going to find the woman who saved his life and he is going to thank her.

He searches the white lighthouse of the photo and he finds that she lives in a farm in a little village and her name is Beth Green. He moves there and meets the woman but he doesn't tell her the reason why he arrived. Logan asks her for work in his farm just to stay close to her and although she doesn't want to, Beth's mother hires him.

Time goes on and Beth still doesn't trust him but she will fall in love with him until she finds out the real truth about who is he.


  • Zac Efron as Logan Thibault. 

  • Taylor Schilling as Beth Green

  • Blythe Danner as Ellie, Beth Danner's mother. 


Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area

The Wulingyuan area is in the Zhangjiajie National Park in China's Hunan Province. 

I've always wanted to visit the Zhangjiajie Park because I think that this place is amazing because of the enormous sandstone pillars and peaks, many over 200 m high. Also in the park there are many caves, pools and waterfalls and two large natural bridges. 

I also want to travell here because I really like the nature, and China has the most beautiful National Parks in the world. Also I like the heights. 


XO - John Mayer

Your love is bright as ever
Even in the shadows
Baby kiss me
Before they turn the lights out
Your heart is glowing
And I'm crashing into you
Baby kiss me, kiss me
Before they turn the lights out
Before they turn the lights out
Baby love me lights out

In the darkest night hour
I'll search through the crowd
Your face is all that I see
I'll give you everything
Baby, love me lights out
Baby, love me lights out

We don't have forever
Baby daylight's wasting
You better kiss me
Before our time is run out
Nobody sees what we see
They're just hopelessly gazing
Baby take me, take me
Before they turn the lights out
Before time is run out
Baby love me lights out





This year, 2016, is the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare's death.To commemorate this special year, his plays will be performed at the Royal Shakespeare Company. Also everyone can visit his birthplace and explore his home or pay respects at his grave.


In Henley Street, Stradford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England is where it is believed that William Shakespeare was born in 1564 and where he lived his childhood.


Anne Hathaway was Shakespeare's wife. They were married in 1582 when he was eighteen and she was twenty-six years old.


The original Globe Theatre was built in 1599 by Shakespeare's playing company. It was destroyed by fire on 29 June 1613. The theatre was rebuilt on June 1614.


The plays written by Shakespeare are divided into three genres: Tragedy (Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Antony and Cleopatra... ), History (Henry IV, Henry V...) and Comedy (As you like it, Cymbeline....)


Shakespeare live in the Elizabeth era when the Bubonic plague was virulent and it is a possibility that he died because of it. 


On 1595, William Shakespeare finished Romeo and Juliet.


Queen Elisabeth supported Shakespeare's writing because she loved the theatrical drama.


After the victory over the Spanish armada in 1588 Shakespeare's history plays were influenced by the new sense of English national identity.


"To be, or not to be. This is the question," - "Ser o no ser. Esa es la pregunta."

"The earth has music for those who listen." - "El mundo tiene musica para esos que escuchan."

"We know what we are, but we know not what we may be." - "Sabemos lo que somos, pero no sabemos lo que seremos."


This is my favourite picture of Italy. I really like this one because it was taken on the top of the Florence's Duomo and it was one of the most beautiful monuments we saw during the trip because of the views. Also this day was my favourite day, because we had free time to visit Florence by ourselves so we walked a lot and we has so much fun. This day was also very tiring because we had to wait two hours in a line to get to the Duomo but it was also fun because we were playing cards and talking. Also then we had to climb 463 steps to get to the top, but it was worth it. 

At the background of the photo you can see the red roofs of the Florence's houses. I also love this picture beacause I am with my friends and because it reminds me of the good times we had during this amazing trip to Italy. 

domingo, 20 de marzo de 2016


One of the things I wanna do in a future is to drive the American's most iconic highway with my dad, the Route 66 with a Classic Ford Mustang. Once we were watching a youtuber called Luzu and he was traveling all across USA driving on the Route 66 and we loved it so we decided that when I get my car license, someday we will go. 

The Route 66, also known as "The Main Street of America" first started being used for wagon trains to go to California, also there are still ruts form wagon trains on the side of some parts of the road. 

Before there where roads there where railroads and many of them followed the old trails. 
In 1908 the Ford Motor T came out and changed the way Americans lived. They now could travel faster and the idea of paved highways apeared. 
Paving the roads started on a state level and then moved to a national leven and in 1921 the federal govermment made a federal highway system. 

This was the reason Route 66 was born. It was the first highway that conected the rest of the USA. It starts in Chicago, goes through Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona, and finally it ends in Santa Monica, California. There are 2.400 miles. 

Route 66 is no longer part of the USA highway system, so many parts of it have disapeared or are just dirt roads. 

Here are some essential things you have to visit if you are driving the Route 66: 

The Cadillac Ranch:

The Ed Galloway's Totem Pole Park:

The Wigwam's Motel:

The Santa Monica pier:


THE 100

The 100 is an American television series developed by Jason Rotherberg and based on the book The 100 written by Kass Morgan.

It is a dystiopian drama about the world 97 years after a nuclear apocalypse that left almost no life in Earth. The only known survivors were people that lived on the 12 space stations in Earth's orbit. Then the stations got together and created a massive space station named "The Ark", with 2.400 pleople under the orders of the Cancellor Jaha.

When resources are critically falling and  the air is running out, they have not much time, so they decide to send 100 teenagers, that where convicted, to the Earth to see if it's survibable, in a program called "The 100". Some of them are Clarke Griffin, the daughter of the Ark's doctor and of the Ark's engineer, Wells Jaha, the Cancellor Jaha's son, Finn Collins, Octavia Blake, the illegal sister, his brother Bellamy Blake who came to the Earth just to protect his sister, Jasper Jordan and Monty Green.
They have to find refuge and suplies at an old military instalation, Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center, located in the Blue Ridge Mountains but they landed away from their destination, so they have to solve some problems. They will have to find the way to their correct landing place  they have to find a way to cantact with The Ark and the most difficult part, they have to survive.

I have discovered this series because Paula recomended it to me. At first, when I watched the trailer, I thought it was gonna be boring and typical but when I started it I couldn't stop watching it. I love it because there are a lot of adventures in the story and you never get tired of watching it.


My dog is named Duc. He is a mixed breed dog between a pincher and some hunting dog, we don't exactly know. On may he is gonna be 6.
I got him when he was a few months and we went to Barcelona to get him from a friends house. This was an amazing day.

He is a very funny dog and I always make fun of him. He is so curious because when he wants something or when something happens he hardly never barks which is good but he makes a sound similar to a dog crying which is even more annyoing. At first we thought he was mute.
Another curious thing he does is that when he sleeps he always wants to be covered with his blanket even if it's summer and it's really hot.

He is very energetic and he is always jumping and playing but he is also a fat boy, a part is because of the genetic of his father and another part because he has a food disorder. If he could he would be eating all day so I always have to take care of what gets into his mouth. He is also very intelligent and he knows that human food is much better than dogs food.
Last year he started a diet with a special dogs food and every time I can we go running. Some times I go cycling so that he can run faster and he loves it.

He is not very social with other dogs. He is scared of bigger dogs than him and also he is scared of cats because once he wanted to play with a street cat and it didn't like the idea. But he loves humans. Every time a friend comes home he is always jumping and trying to catch their atention.

But all those strange things make him very special, and also he is a really good dog and he have never bitten anyone even if they make him get angry, he just holds your hand with his teeth without hurting you and then he just leaves.


The last 4th of March we visited Palau Robert in Barcelona and we saw an exhibition about photos of the Syrian war. 

This is the picture I chose: 

This is a Syrian girl saying godbye at her friends from the taxi that will take her to Melilla port, from where she will travel to the Iberian Peninsula. 

I have chosen this photo because it's very expressive, sensitive and powerful. When I saw the girl, she made me feel sad because I couldn't imagine me having to leave my friends behind and traveling into another country. But also she is lucky because she is gonna leave also the hard war situation and she will live in a better place. 

jueves, 17 de marzo de 2016


This is the presentation I made about the photojournalist named Vladimir Chistyakov.


On March 4th we visited Barcelona with school and we had an english project which consisted in interviewing people with some questions we have worked in class.
These are the questions I asked to a tourist and his answers:

Where are you from?

I am from France.

Is it the first time you come here?

Yes it is.

Do you like it?

Yes I do.

How long are you staying?

Util tomorrow, it's been four days

Do you know any words in catalan or spanish?

Oh yes, in spanish, not in catalan.

What do you know?

Hola, Que tal?, Gracias, Buenos días, Buenas noches.

Okey so that's it. Thank you.

If you click here you can listen to the interview.

martes, 9 de febrero de 2016


In the past, some birds of prey have been known by attacking drones while they are flying, confusing them with birds. Because of this, the Dutch National Police is training a bunch of eagles to watch over the skies for dangerous unmanned drones. 

They said that this project has succeeded, but there is also a problem. Sometimes the birds have become hurt by the drone blades but now they are thinking a way to avoid it. 

The Dutch Police will finally decide whether or not to use a group of drone-huntin eagles. 

Personally, I think that they shouldn't let them fly over the skies of a city trying to catch some drones because its turning blades can cause serious damage to an animal. Also because if they let go a group of eagles the other birds will be more in danger because of they abundance. 



From News in levels, read more here.

martes, 26 de enero de 2016


1.- Apreciatte the little things.

2.-Stay healthy and strong.

3.- Spent more time with family and friends.

4.- Read books, watch movies and more series in english.

5.- Obtain the ESO graduete with good marks.